Category: Transformational Change

Customer Focus And The Leader As Servant

With all of the things that companies are doing today to become more customer focused, you don’t often hear what that exactly means to the organization and its leadership. To help with that, I would like to offer some perspective on what makes leaders customer focused, and some tips on what you can do to help your own organization improve in this area. In particular, how do we develop customer focused leadership that supports business operations and the people that deliver customer focused products and services?


Topics:Customer FocusOrganizational ChangePerformance ImprovementTransformational Change

Implementing Customer Focus Is A Journey

As we discussed in last month’s article, companies and organizations around the world are concentrating on implementing customer focus strategies. Most organizations make the claim that they are customer focused or customer centered (who wouldn’t?). Yet some look more customer focused than others. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to simply make a decision to become customer focused. That would be like buying a guitar, taking one lesson, and declaring yourself a master musician.


Topics:Customer FocusEnterprise of the FutureOperational DevelopmentOperational GovernanceOrganizational ChangePerformance ImprovementStrategy and TransformationTransformational Change

Multiple Drivers Demand Customer Focus

Customer Focus – We’ve all seen numerous articles and countless books written on developing customer focus. It is a theme that has been prevalent over the past two decades. Every organization seems to be talking about becoming customer-focused, customer-centric, or customer-centered. Given that circumstance, what is creating the drive to become customer focused? Why are so many companies concentrating on creating a customer focused strategy? What is triggering all of this?


Topics:Customer FocusEnterprise of the FutureStrategy and TransformationTransformational Change

Consulting Skills Are Essential To Everyone

For sixteen years the professionals at Advance Consulting have been teaching our clients what we know. In turn, our clients have been teaching us. Every time we deliver a workshop, coach an executive, or provide a consulting skills development program, we go to school on our clients. We study their circumstances and challenges, as well as their innovation and creativity in transforming and growing their businesses. This constant learning enriches our experience and knowledge. It gives us a unique vantage point to witness extraordinary developments in the business world. From that perspective, this article explains why the need for enhanced consulting skills is so prevalent in business today.


Topics:Consulting CompetenciesEnterprise of the FutureSoft SkillsTransformational Change